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We use Traditional Chinese, Kiiko (Japanese), and laser acupuncture techniques.  We use only the finest, sterile, disposable needles and try to employ the gentlest, least painful needle technique. 



Acupuncture is one of the main treatment modalities in Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been used for thousands of years. It is medical technique that utilizes very fine needles to gently stimulate specific points on the body that help maintain the internal balance of energy (qi). Qi flows through 14 pathways or meridians in the body that connect to the internal organs, bones, joints and tendons. Meridians run along the body’s surface and act like roads and highways where the qi flows through. On meridians there are areas where the qi collects, called acupuncture points. The meridians can get blocked or stagnated as a result of stress, poor diet/lifestyle, injury, and emotional/physical pain. Stimulating the acupuncture points help restore and balance the flow of qi in the body resulting in physical and emotional well-being.


Acupuncture is a physiological medicine that works on several levels in the body. Once stimulated, these points trigger the body to:

• Release norepinephrine, acetylcholine and several types of opioids that reduce pain and make us feel good

• Change the concentration of triglycerides, cholesterol and phospholipids

• Release neurotransmitters that influence the immune and antinociceptive (pain blocking) systems

• Transfer material and electrical energy between normal and injured tissues


Acupuncture needles are thin and very small, comparable to the thickness of human hair. We use only pre-sterilized, single-use, disposal needles. When inserted through the skin there may be a quick pinch, pressure or itch sensation, however, there should be no sharp pain. During the treatment it is normal to fall asleep and feel very relaxed.

Acupuncture is safe during pregnancy and helps treat many pregnancy-related issues (such as nausea, fatigue, anxiety, sciatica, etc).



Low level laser therapy or “cold laser” is a form of phototherapy used to stimulate acupuncture points. Laser acupuncture in a non-invasive treatment that does not use any needles. These lasers are not the same as the lasers used in laser surgery, which are “hot lasers” that are a scalpel that burn/cut the skin. The lasers used for acupuncture are Class IIIa lasers and are considered eye safe because the blink relax is fast enough to prevent any damage to the retina.


We use a red laser (635nm) and a blue laser (450nm) to stimulate the acupuncture points. 


Studies show that low level lasers can help regenerate cells, decrease pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, reduce scar tissue, and stimulate hair growth.

Please visit this page to learn about the recent research on laser acupuncture. 


Acupuncture points are stimulated using a safe, gentle electrical current. This treatment is generally used to reduce pain, weakness and tension in the body. It is also used for neuropathy and other nerve related diseases.


  • Fill out the the initial paperwork and health history intake — Once your appointment is scheduled, we will electronically send you the initial paperwork to fill out prior to your appointment.

  • Please bring a list of your current medications, supplements, vitamins, etc... that you are taking.

  • Eat a light meal a few hours before your visit. Fasting or being hungry increases your risk of fainting, nausea, or dizziness. Also, do not over eat or eat too rich of foods before coming in because they may cause stomach upset.

  • Avoid consuming alcohol prior or after your treatment.  Alcohol can increase the risks of shock.


Initial Consultation with Acupuncture

Your first appointment includes a holistic assessment of your body to determine the appropriate treatment. This treatment will take about 75-90 minutes.

Acupuncture Follow-up

A report of findings is given after your first visit and a new evaluation is taken.  This is followed by acupuncture and other appropriate modalities. This treatment will take about 45-60 minutes.


NADA Protocol

This is a 10-needle ear treatment to help with PTSD, stress, drug addiction, emotional and mental disorders, insomnia, and pain.

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